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VASER Lipo® introduces the gentlest form of invasive liposuction

VASER Lipo® ultrasonic liposuction uses the latest ultrasonic technology for safe, gentle and perfect body shaping. Compared to classical liposuction, VASER Lipo® acts selectively only on unwanted fat cells, while nerve endings and vessels remain undamaged. The result is minimal pain during the procedure, minimal bruising and almost immediate involvement back to routine activities. The enormous advantage of VASER Lipo® liposuction is that it makes the skin taut at the suction site, as it does not damage the collagen fibres. It can be performed under both general and local anaesthesia.

Due to fat emulsification and gentle suction, fat cells are not damaged and have a high viability, so they can be used as fillers in other parts of the body, for example to smooth wrinkles or for breast augmentation.

VASER Lipo® is the ideal solution for anyone who wants to get rid of excess fat quickly, gently and with maximum effect and who wants to shape his/her body into perfect curves.


  • It is the most economical and effective liposuction.
  • It makes the skin firm and taut in the treated area.
  • Multiple areas can be suctioned off simultaneously.
  • It has significantly shorter recovery time.
  • It is performed under local or general anaesthesia.
  • Liposuction can only be performed to the extent required by clients in good health and after a complete preoperative examination. The aim of preoperative examination is to eliminate possible complications.

The skin is visibly firmer

The extraordinary efficiency of VASER Lipo® ultrasonic liposuction is not only in slimming the treated area, but it also firms it. Ultrasonically, the skin in the suctioned area is rapidly contracted after the procedure, so it does not remain weakened and flaccid, as is the case with other types of liposuction.

This effect was demonstrated by a medical study conducted in France. Volunteers treated one leg with traditional tumescent liposuction and the other with the VASER Lipo® ultrasonic device. In the latter case, the skin was visibly smoother and firmer, even if it had not previously had such quality.

Before the procedure

For liposuction performed under local anaesthesia, a basic biochemical blood test is usually sufficient. Other examinations are performed only exceptionally. If liposuction is performed under general anaesthesia, ECG and chemical and sedimentation examinations of the patient’s urine are required: basic biochemical blood tests – glucose, liver tests, sodium, potassium, urea, creatinine, CRP, blood count, sedimentation, Quick and APTT (tests for bleeding and blood clotting). In the case cardio vascular disease or hypertension an ECG is also required.

Avoid eating heavy food that causes flatulence or food with high fibre content (large amounts of fruits or vegetables, cabbage, legumes, muesli, etc.) and drink at least 2 litres of water two days before the procedure. It is necessary to exclude alcohol, cigarettes and caffeine 48 hours before and at least 24 hours after the procedure.

On the day of the procedure, we recommend the use of commonly available shower gels and shampoos when showering. After morning ablutions, do not apply perfume, creams, ointments, body lotions or oils on the areas where the liposuction will be performed. Come to the procedure without make-up. Remove jewellery and piercings (if possible). Do not use opaque lacquers – nail gels (remove at least one finger on the left hand or remove the artificial nail) before procedures under total anaesthesia. Leave valuables at home or store in the safe at the reception. On the day of procedure, it is advisable to wear enough loose and comfortable clothes to travel home. Surgical cloths and slippers are available at the clinic. For the surgery, take with you all the medicines you regularly take. It is recommended to fit a waterproof underlay to the mattress at home to prevent staining it with fluids excreted from the wounds. Acute diseases (angina, influenza, tooth inflammation, purulent inflammation, etc.) are contraindications and liposuction cannot be performed in these cases. On the day of surgery, you can eat light meals so that you do not feel hunger.

During surgery

1. The treated area is first impregnated with a special solution which, in connection with the local anaesthetic, numbs the skin; the subcutaneous tissue and the fat cells slightly disintegrate.


2. Subsequently, the plastic surgeon penetrates to the subcutaneous tissue through a minor incision and using ultrasound converts the fat in the treated area into an emulsion with a thin cannula attached to the VASER Lipo®. Ultrasound acts exclusively on fat cells and therefore does not damage the surrounding tissues.


3. The detached fat cells are aspirated by the surgeon with a liposuction cannula connected to the VASER Lipo®. Since undamaged fat cells are aspirated, blood loss is minimised.


4. After the procedure, small wounds caused by cannulae are treated with patches, and the patient wears special compression underwear on the treated area. A short rest period of approximately 12 hours is recommended. The next two to three weeks, the patient should avoid demanding activities.


5. Results of ultrasound liposuction are visible immediately after the procedure; they still improve over time, due to the gradual healing of the tissue in the operated area. The end result is permanent, and you can see it within three to four months.


Compression underwear

Immediately after liposuction, we will wear tailor-made compression underwear that, with its pressure and elasticity pressing tight to body, will accelerate the drainage of residual tumescent fluid from skin wounds.

Keep in mind that this underwear should not be removed 24 hours after the end of liposuction. Then it is possible to shower briefly, wash the underwear and put it on again. Compression underwear is recommended to be worn 24 hours a day for at least 2-4 weeks as instructed by your doctor.

Sit or lie down for the first time when taking off the underwear because fainting may occur after the compression is released, as a result of the sudden movement of body fluids.

If the operated area heals ideally, it is possible by 3rd to 4th week to wear it only for 8-10 hours a day, during the day, when performing normal daily activities. At night you can take this underwear off.

After the procedure

Immediately after the procedure, when you return home, it is advisable to take the first dose of painkillers and stay in bed and try a short walk later after a few hours. The 1st day after that day, it is possible to carry out daily activities such as walking, driving and so on. On 3rd and 4th day after liposuction, the body can already practically bear normal daily activity. Heavier exercise, such as jogging, tennis and gym workouts, aerobics, etc., is possible to be engaged in one month after the procedure with the recommendation to gradually increase the daily amount of exercise gradually. The expected return to work is approximately 3 days after the procedure, in proportion to the amount of surgery performed. The next day we recommend staying at home. Our clinic provides transport within Bratislava for free after the procedure.

Care for skin wounds

For 24-48 hours, and in some cases, up to a week, a clear fluid (which is initially largely tumescent fluid) with some blood flows out of the small skin wounds through which the fat was cannulated. Although some amount of the fluid was already suctioned out during performance and a portion is absorbed into the blood stream, it can be said that the more fluid flows out, the more beneficial the healing and the rate bruise formation is smaller. The wounds are covered with a Steri strip and stuck with sterile gauze, after 24 hours, when the underwear is taken off for the first time, the gauze squares need to be carefully removed, but the patch is left for at least 7 days. If the patch is removed, the client has replacement patches available, with which he/she will then cover the wound himself/herself. It is not recommended to seal the wound with a fast binder, which blocks the drainage of the tumescent fluid and healing is adversely affected.

Post-operative pain

Mild painful sensations begin to appear about 4-5 hours after the procedure. The intensity reaches its height 24 hours after the procedure, and then it rapidly subsides. However, pain is perceived totally individually and depends on the pain threshold, which is different, and/or depends on the current emotional state, etc. Therefore, some clients do not experience pain at all and some complain of moderate pains up to one week after procedure, often described as a "muscular” pain. For the relief of post-operative pain, we recommend routine analgesics (with dosing as directed by your doctor).

Bruises formation

After tumescent liposuction, post-operative subcutaneous hematomas, so-called bruises, persist in some cases up to 14 days. After liposuction of the abdomen, bruises may appear around the navel or run into the genital region. In women who have undergone gynaecological surgery or caesarean section, bruises may appear above the scar after surgery. Bruising on the hips is minimal, and bruises are more frequent on the outer thighs of which the whole area is generally affected. Bruises in the area of knees and ankles are regularly formed. This bruising can be managed by using blood clotting drugs or creams combining blood clotting medication anti-inflammatory agents. In enzymatic preparations, there are very good results in the treatment of post-operative swelling and healing. Use as directed by physician.


It is recommended only to shower for the week after the surgery. Bathing is only advisable after wounds have healed, which is in about a week. After showering, when the skin wounds are wet, we recommend gently drying them and then applying the antibiotic backfill or spray. We do not recommend swimming in a pool or the sea or using a jacuzzi until the wounds are completely healed and closed.

Dietary measures

After the procedure, drink plenty of water, fruit juice or sports drinks, especially if fluid still leaks from the wounds. With the first few hours, preferably up to two days after surgery, do not drink alcohol and do not smoke. Also reduce adding salt to foods and eating salty foods (cold cuts, hard cheeses, biscuits, chips, Chinese dishes, instant foods, etc.) to reduce swelling.


About 14 days after the procedure, when subcutaneous bruising and swelling begin to heal and disappear, the stiffness occurs in places where the adipose tissue has been suctioned, and stiff "lumps" and protuberances that persist for 2-3 months may occur. (In rare cases, it takes longer than 6 months.) This represents another phase of healing, when the body tries to fix in place the flaccid skin. In the areas where the adipose tissue was suctioned off, the connective tissue grows and then after several months, when the healing is almost at the end, begins to be absorbed back into the body. In this phase, we recommend applying lukewarm compresses for about 20 minutes per day to the area where the liposuction was carried out and to massage the skin with hardened subcutaneous tissues applying moderate pressure by rolling up to 6 times a day for 10 minutes for several months up to half a year. Alternatively, special lymphatic massages, focused on the treated area, will help accelerate healing and the disappearance of lumps. As part of home care, it is always good to apply a roller over the suctioned off area with movement towards the heart. Rolling can be started in the second week after the procedure. Cellulite areas may improve slightly after liposuction.


Check-ups by the doctor after liposuction are appropriate from 48 hours to one week after procedure, then 1 month, 3 months and half a year. If you have any doubts, questions or uncertainties, please do not hesitate to contact us. Remember that swelling after liposuction can last for 6 weeks, rarely even 6 months after the procedure. Continue to the webpage – read the important information about what to do before undergoing the procedure and more about liposuction.

Possible complications

After performing tumescent liposuction, skin protuberances, swelling, stiffness and "lumps" may appear, which in most cases disappear over time, quicker thanks to regular massage. However, if they persist for longer than 6 months, it is necessary to distinguish whether they are caused by local accumulation and not by complete removal of adipose tissue or if the cause was scarring. These areas are then, after agreement with the doctor, subject to remedial treatment, which is carried out at our clinic, completely free of charge in justified cases. Infectious complications occur very rarely after liposuction, overall antibiotic treatment and possibly surgical drainage or puncture of the affected area are required, if they occur. Due to the preventive dose of antibiotics during surgery, strict surgical disinfection and sterility, this complication is mostly ruled out. The sensation of increased or decreased sensitivity may persist for months in areas after performed tumescent liposuction. The emergence of seroma, a fluid accumulation in a small area is rare, but if it occurs, it requires a puncture with the suction of excess tissue fluid, which developed probably due to bruises as they heal and disappear. (The puncture is painless and performed with a thin needle.) The great scarring is rather unlikely due to the a few-millimetre cutting width. For clients who suffer from so-called keloids formation, keloid scarring is also possible in this case. We recommend using silicone ointment or silicone dressing topically. Sometimes they can be pigmented. We do not recommend exposing them to sunlight or solariums immediately after the surgery. In the first 24-48 hours after the procedure, dizziness may occur, especially when the body changes its position (when getting out of bed quickly, the first time you take off your compressive underwear).


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