It is a proven and safe method that has been used since the 1950s. Its great advantage is its low invasiveness and low risk of complications with high reliability. According to the American Urological Association, 175,000 to 500,000 vasectomies are performed annually in the US.
Who is a suitable candidate for vasectomy
Compared to female sterilisation, vasectomy in men is much more gentle and without serious complications. Therefore, it is the ideal choice for couples who already have children and do not want to have further offspring, while the woman does not tolerate hormonal or other types of contraception. The operation is performed on adult men over the age of 18.
For whom this procedure is not suitable
For men younger than 18 and for men who plan to have children. Contraindications may include certain medical conditions, especially bleeding disorders. Therefore, a doctor must always assess the appropriateness of the procedure.
The principle of vasectomy
After a vasectomy - after surgical interruption of the fallopian tubes - sperm cannot get out of the testicles and epididymis. They are therefore not contained in the ejaculate and so fertilisation during the sexual intercourse is prevented. Sperm still form after a vasectomy, but after a while the body itself disposes of them.
What is the process before a vasectomy?
The procedure is always preceded by a consultation with a doctor. "When talking to the patient, it is necessary to assess his state of health and the reasons for which he has decided to undergo a vasectomy. The consultation also includes an examination of the external genitalia," explains MUDr. Simona Zaťkuliaková, urologist of eveclinic.
If there are no serious contraindications or if the client does not need further examination, he can book an appointment for the procedure after consultation. If the client is taking blood thinners, it is recommended - after consultation with the doctor - to discontinue them one week before the procedure. The day before the vasectomy, it is recommended to shave the hair on the scrotum and around the genitals for hygienic reasons.
How is the vasectomy performed?
At eveclinic, we offer clients vasectomy as an out-patient procedure, which is performed under local anaesthesia in the operating theatre and usually takes no longer than 30 minutes.
Before the procedure, we disinfect the scrotum and its surroundings. We then numb the entire area with a local anaesthetic, which is applied on each side. The pain when injecting the anaesthetic can be likened to a small pinch.
The urologist uses a scalpel to make a small hole in the scrotum, through which he finds the fallopian tube, which he isolates and ties on both sides. He then cuts off a small part of it and bandages both ends of the fallopian tube, inserts it back into the scrotum and sutures the wound. The same procedure is done on the other side.
After the operation, both wounds are treated with antibiotic ointment, covered with sterile gauze and taped over. The client then goes home.
Post vasectomy care and healing
Recovery is usually very fast, without complications, often without the need for analgesics. After the procedure, it is recommended to follow a more restful regime for two days without much physical exertion, good hygiene of the genital skin and the use of antiseptic ointment for surgical wounds. The skin sutures do not need to be removed, they will dissolve within about 14 days after surgery. There is no need for incapacity for work, the client can carry out normal daily activities without restrictions.
How long after the procedure does vasectomy work as a safe contraceptive?
Vasectomy alone does not imply sterility immediately after the procedure. For several weeks after the procedure, a few functional sperm are still present in the ejaculate. It usually takes about 20 "cleansing" ejaculates over a period of 2 to 3 months to achieve a sperm-free ejaculate.
It is recommended that a control spermiogram (ejaculate examination) be carried out 5-7 weeks after the vasectomy to confirm the absence of live sperm. Until then, another form of contraception is essential during sexual intercourse.
FAQs about vasectomy
How long after a vasectomy can I have sex?
It is recommended to wait until the surgical wounds have completely healed, which usually takes no longer than 3-5 days.
Does vasectomy have a negative effect on erection?
"It's a very common fear. But the truth is that vasectomy has no effect on the quality of erection, nor on enjoying and achieving orgasm. On the contrary, it is proven that men have more frequent sexual intercourse after vasectomy. The fear of unplanned conception is eliminated," says urologist eveclinic, MUDr. Simona Zaťkuliaková.
Will testicles enlarge when sperm accumulate in the testicles?
One of the most widespread myths about vasectomy - that men's testicles get bigger after vasectomy because sperm accumulate in them - is completely misleading. The size of the testicles remains the same after surgery. The only thing that changes is the amount of ejaculate, which is a little (about 4-5%) smaller and does not contain sperm. The ability to libido, erection and ejaculation remains the same as before surgery.