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Woman Man
Woman Man
Circumcision is surgical removal of the foreskin which covers the surface of the penis. It is one of the most frequent surgeries carried out on men. It is performed for various reasons – medical, aesthetic or even religious. At an adult age, the operation proceeds in local anaesthesia, in childhood under general anaesthesia.

What problems does circumcision deal with?

Circumcision helps to deal with physiological and health problems that can occur throughout the man's life. The most frequent health indications include tight foreskin (phimosis), frequent foreskin inflammations or yeast infections (balanitis) and genital warts in the foreskin folds. It can also deal with painful erection or smell of the penis.

In case of physiological problems, circumcision is preferable during the childhood, but there is no problem performing it later in adulthood.


Partial or full circumcision?

In full circumcision, the whole foreskin is removed while in partial circumcision, only part (usually the affected area) is removed. While full circumcision is carried out for aesthetic, religious or health reasons, partial circumcision is usually carried out primarily for health reasons.

Benefits of full circumcision

Full circumcision primarily simplifies hygiene. As the foreskin folds often contain bacteria, viruses (e.g. HPV) or fungi, their removal reduces the occurrence of yeast or other infections. It also brings a higher hygienic standard for the partner – recent research has confirmed a lower incidence of cervical cancer in circumcised men's partners.

After circumcision, the penis visually looks larger compared with the pre-circumcision condition. Men suffering from premature ejaculation usually experience alleviation of this problem after full circumcision.

Besides the mentioned benefits, full circumcision is considered more aesthetic than partial circumcision because the scar is less visible.

Which type of circumcision to choose?

We usually perform full circumcision, but the patient can always choose between full and partial circumcision if the health condition does not hinder it. During a consultation, the doctor will explain and propose the more suitable option, taking into account the client's health problem and the individual condition, quality and shape of the foreskin.

The process of a circumcision

Circumcision is not time-demanding. It usually takes about 30 minutes in the adult's local anaesthesia and about 45 minutes under the boy's general anaesthesia.

The surgery is comfortable, completely painless. The foreskin is surgically removed by scalpel (or surgical scissors) at an extent determined by the doctor. The surgical wound is then stitched up with several stitches of absorbable suture, which eliminates later removal. Then it is covered with a sterile bandage.

After the effect of anaesthesia, the patient leaves for home treatment. We recommend that adult patients should be accompanied. The anaesthetic can affect attention, so he should not drive.

Healing and post-surgery care after circumcision

The healing is usually trouble-free and takes 7 to 14 days. The speed of the healing is individual.

In the morning following a circumcision, we recommend taking a shower and changing the original bandage. It is important to keep good hygiene, regularly clean the wound and keep the bandage clean all the time until complete healing. Shower is ideal, but long bath is not convenient.

If the client performs physically undemanding work, incapacity to work is unnecessary. However, in case of physically demanding work, we recommend a few days off for the healing.

Sexual activity, sport, physical exertion, long stay in the water (swimming), sauna, Turkish bath or solarium should be avoided until the end of the healing. Other activities can be carried out without restriction.

Risks and possible complications

Circumcision is a surgical procedure, which, like any other surgery, is connected with certain risks. Problems usually occur during the healing period because of insufficient hygiene or lack or rest.

The most common causes are infection, opening of the surgical wound or bleeding. In case of problems pointing at any such issue (strong reddening, pain or burning in the wound area, large swelling or bleeding), the patient should immediately contact the doctor so that he can assess the problem and deal with it in time.

The foreskin may be too long, despite the circumcision, or too short. After healing, the wound can look inaesthetic and be visible. In some cases, pain can persist during erection even after circumcision.

Who performs the circumcision?

"Circumcision can be carried out by a urologist or plastic surgeon. Please note that the choice of the right and qualified doctor is essential for proper execution of the surgery. The most frequent risks and complications are usually connected with unprofessionally performed circumcision. Any man who suffers from penis pain, premature ejaculation or unpleasant smell of the penis should seek a urologist immediately. All these problems can be symptoms of an ailment requiring timely and correct treatment. It is therefore always advisable to contact a specialist trained and experienced in this area," says MUDr. Simona Zatkuliaková, urologist of the Eveclinic Bratislava clinic.

Circumcision – price

The price of circumcision in local anaesthesia at our clinic is from 650 EUR. The price of circumcision for children under general anaesthesia is 650 EUR. The surgery is always preceded by an individual personal consultation with a doctor and is charged 30 EUR.


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